Thorny arrears rates liabilities issue settled by constitutional court.

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Thorny arrears rates liabilities issue settled by constitutional court.

When a home seller or, more commonly, his conveyancing attorney applies for a rates clearance certificate from the local Council so as to be able to transfer the property to the new owner, the Council is by law entitled to recover arrears  going back only two years. Any unpaid rates incurred in earlier periods remain a “charge upon the land” which in South Africa has until now been taken to mean that the new owner becomes liable for them.

This is, however, seldom made clear to the new owner:  at the time of transfer, mention is seldom made of historic overdue arrears in the rates clearance schedule. The new owner, therefore, can find himself confronted with a  debt, in some cases very large, which he had not foreseen and for which he had not budgeted.


Quoting Robert Krautkamer of Miltons Matsemela Attorneys on this matter, Rowan Alexander, Director of Alexander Swart Property, says that to bring about payment of the additional arrears the Council was previously allowed in SA law to disconnect the services to the new owner or to take legal action against him.


Councils could even go so far as to auction the property. In such cases, says Alexander, the new owner usually somehow found the means to pay the outstanding amount but was then faced with the daunting and seldom successful task of trying to reclaim from the seller the sums paid out.

A few months ago, however, says Alexander, a case of this kind ended up in the Gauteng High Court. They ruled that such actions on the part of the Council are unconstitutional and they referred the matter to the Constitutional Court for a final decision. This Court has now confirmed that such action is in fact unconstitutional and must cease henceforth.

This, says Alexander, means that Councils will no longer be able to recover arrears older than two years as a “charge upon the land”. They will have to get the sums owed from the previous owner who in fact in most cases did incur the debt and until this is achieved the new owner will not be allowed to use his property as a security for any other debt.

Alexander commented that this is a victory for all property owners: they can now feel more secure about their ownership position. This is also, he said, a victory for the banks as they will no longer find their mortgage bond holders suddenly facing possibly large unforeseen expenses. Municipalities unable to produce accurate figures at the time of transfer will probably, says Alexander, have to write off the major portion of these outstanding debts.

For further information please contact Rowan Alexander on cell phone number 082 581 3116 or by email

Author: Independent author

Submitted 08 Sep 17 / Views 1447